la Ketch

my life story

Monday, December 27, 2010

After the storm

Snowing snowing snowing in New York and Sunny and 65 here. Finally. Beautiful day. I am at work. It's kind of nice to be here because it's quiet and the last few days have been anything but quiet. We had a really nice Christmas but lots of running around. Davey had a blast with his cousins and he got lots of fun stuff. He especially likes his bat cave and his spiderman costume. Jasper loves his big red ball and his miniature vacuum cleaner that runs. He's always vacuuming now.

Deron didn't like my fake holiday letter post. I guess the stuff about the kids was hard for him. I mean obviously it was a joke but the tone was a bit acerbic so I guess it just wasn't as funny as I had intended it to be. Deron does not have any sort of a sexually transmitted disease for the record.

I'm also sorry if I offended anyone who has it together enough to mail a holiday card. I love the cards we get. They are beautiful and they are on our fridge. Please don't take me off your list. I was just cranky. I put this collage together and this is our holiday card.

I hope you had a good one!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Ketchum Bos Annual Letter

"Well it's been another crazy year at the Ketchum-Bos household! Here are some of the highlights:

Deron's Gonorrhea is back, yeow!! Poor dear. Guess who's getting antibiotics in his stocking again? Other than that, he's been only mildly depressed. He's broken down crying only one time after I've yelled at him. That's record for sure! We're considering divorce but we're going to pretend that everything is fine until after the holidays are over for the sake of the children. I'm sure I'll forget this strategy after two drinks and tell everyone the truth about everything ( WE HAVEN'T BEEN INTIMATE IN 7 MONTHS) but you can't blame us for trying, LOL!!!!!!!!!!

Davey is as whiny and demanding as ever. We think he might like killing animals for sport! I think that's the sign of a genius or something else, I can't remember. I forgot him at the shopping mall a few months ago. He had quite a scare but the workers there fed him and kept him company until I came back to get him the next day. Before he left he cried and hugged them saying, "please don't make me go with her!!" What a little joker.

Jasper was testing way above normal for the milestone chart until I realized I was reading the damn chart upside down. As soon as I turned it over I spilled red wine on it and now I can't read it at all. He's eating paste a lot. I think that's normal! I'm teaching him how to make screwdrivers (the drink not the tool), so I'd say he's fairly advanced.

Eliott the Beagle is having quite the year. I keep letting him out and he keeps coming back. He's determined as hell to remain a contributing member of the family, which is more than I can say for myself. Luckily, my workman's comp checks started coming in after my "fall" at work a few weeks ago. If I can keep the vicdin (spelling?)refills going Deron and I might stay married after all. If you know a "good doctor", please give me a call!! Ha ha!! (I'm serious about that actually)

I guess that's it. Looking forward to a fantastic New Year and wishing you and your family the best. I'm enclosing a photo of the whole family... the only reason my smile is so fake is because I used to date the photographer and he gave us a free sitting because he owes me a bunch of money and right before he took the photo he called me a slut.

Merry Christmas!!!
The Ketchum-Bos Family"

Rain and Merry Christmas

No more excuses now because things have really quieted down at work and I'm free to write here so maybe it's just that so much time has passed but also maybe I'm just apathetic and uninspired? I don't know. I'm just going to type into this thing and see what comes out.

We're celebrating Christmas at our place this year. My Grammy isn't feeling well, being 88 and all and so we've decided to stay put because she's not up for the drive or the staying at my mom's and sleeping on the couch bed and all of the chaos, etc. It will be fun I think, scaled down a little as far as the food and stuff but we'll manage. I got a honey baked ham and ordered some pies so it will be low key. It's going to get small in the condo though.

It's been raining here for 7 days straight. Not normal for So Cal and people are freaking out. It's supposed to let up tomorrow, so that's a relief. It's amazing how easily to get used to the weather here and how easily you take going outside all of the time for granted. It's taking me back to the old days of living in Washington State, the dreary depression of the 8 month long rainy season there. People say, "You know it doesn't really rain that much there. That's a myth. That's just what the people who live there say to stop people from moving there." Well I lived there for 10 years and it rained the whole fucking time. It was horrible that rain. I hated it. When it's not raining, well it's the most beautiful place you've ever seen. But it is raining. A lot. Forgive me if you live there and are reading this and I'm depressing you. Hopefully it's stopped raining after I moved away.

So I'm talking about the weather now.... My Niece is staying with us and she's always building things out of blankets and boxes and stuff. We got this big box of diapers that we ordered yesterday and she was like, "oh I'm going to make something really good out of that." and within minutes she had out the scissors and tape and she and Davey made a train. Then last night Davey slept in the train. He loves the train so much he kept telling her, "Kiah thank you for making me my train bed. I love my train bed." I thought he's be all hyper sleeping in it but no, I shut the door and he was quiet as a mouse and he stayed in there all night. He says he wants to eat all of his meals in there going forward. Deron took Kiah and the boys to the Science Center today since it's still raining. Fun. I'm sitting here trying to make myself do filing and expense reports and all of the other super boring stuff that I don't have time to do when it's busy but it's really hard to make yourself do that kind of stuff when no one is watching. So I'm blogging. Hey! Look at me! I'm blogging!

I do really love Christmas. I love that everything shuts down and that you get together and you eat and drink and the presents are fun but the Christmas cards.... They are really cute when they come I enjoy seeing the photos of the families but I can't help but think to myself, "Show offs." I mean honestly who has time for that shit???

Jasper is fully walking now. Video is needed. He also says Dada and Mama and he says "Ha" and points to his head, which means hat. And he also Says "Ha ha ha" and fans his hand in front of his face when there is something hot. He is obsessed with Gummy vitamins.

I guess that's all I got. I'm working on a photo collage that I'll send out as an e-card because I do have time for that...

Oh one thing I really want to do this year is send out a "real" annual letter. I think I'll do that in another post actually.

Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 06, 2010

And Happy Thanksgiving and...

Oh dear me. What can I say. I have been buried, buried at work. There is no time. There is no energy. It's starting to slow but there's the back log. The tasks that we're put on the back burner that are now needing my attention. The real, real, real boring stuff...

ahhhhh. I'm trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I'm thinking that I would like to go back to school to get my masters and my teaching credential and then become a high school teacher. This is a few years off. Something has to give though. I can't just keep doing this.

The money and the hours though. It will be tough to let that go. I can't just keep doing this though. My soul. It's getting tight in here.

More later.