Quickie Blog

Well it's feeling more real now, the move to LA. Have I told you? Yes, I think you probably know by now that we're moving to LA this summer. The tentative move date is July 14th. We haven't bought our plane tickets yet but I gave notice at work. Every one in the office knows now. My last day at work will be June 27th. Every one has been very supportive, very enthusiastic.
So there's a lot to do but a lot is done.
It looks like we'll probably be able to stay with a friend when we land, renting out the bottom half of the house he rents in Laurel Canyon. This sounds fancy but it's not really fancy but it's a good deal. I hope it works out, fingers are crossed. We wouldn't have to sign a lease or pay a deposit and we can have Eliott there, which is all great. It would be good for us as a place to start while we're looking for jobs, a house.
We will have to buy two cars. TWO CARS. Neither of has owned a car in years. The prospect is daunting. We talk a lot about cars. We take walks in the neighborhood quite often and there are tons of cars parked on the streets always and so we're always just walking along going, "I like that one, what's that? Yeah I like the CRV but not that year. I like that RAV4. What about a Forrester? How come we haven't been thinking about the Forrester? You know what I'd really love is a Passat Station Wagon. What's the gas mileage? What's the resale Value? How easy is it to get those worked on?" Etc.
We hired a mover. We're going with Flat Rate. I won't bore you with that.
We hired a pet transport company to move Eliott. I won't bore you with that either. I could write a very long post about it but I won't. It's all I'm talking about these days, pet transport. I did a lot of research ok! If you are curious about Pet Transport you can ask me and I'll fill you in on what I've found.
We're going to have a garage sale, yay! I love garage sales. You should come. I think I'll also sell Lemonade and cookies. I will tell you when it is. Probably the beginning of June.
What else is going on. Well, Davey is crawling and he is pulling himself up to standing and he is sleeping really well and he is so fucking cute I can't stand it. I bought these foam tiles on craig' s list that make like a big foam mat, for the backyard, which is mostly concrete. So i'm going to put those out there so he can crawl around on it and also we have a blow up pool and this canopy I'm going to set up. I have a fantasy of him back there in his little pool under his little canopy. It seems fun. I hope this can happen in the window where it is warm enough to be out side in a pool but before the mosquitoes get too bad.
Have a good weekend!
It's frigg'n LA! You don't need an SUV. If you're going to buy two cars anyway, get something semi-green. You'll need it with gas at $4+.
Dan you're totaly right. We've been round and round with it. unfortunately they don't make a good hybrid yet that's big enough for us with the dog and baby. we're going to try and find a used prius that we can afford as the second car but will probably end up with a camry or something. for our main car probably will be the rav4 w/2WD. can get 27-29 mpg. We're looking into green options for a few years out. this is a really interesting option but you have to own a house for it to be viable: http://automobiles.honda.com/civic-gx/
The reason you have to own a house is because it runs on natural gas and they instal it in your garage. also the ford escape and the toyota highlander and too big. the Rav4 is perfect size.
welcome welcome welcome! this town could use you.
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