Davey is 3

Davey is having his birthday party on Saturday. We are doing a pool party in our complex and I've invited basically the entire neighborhood. It might get a little crazy. Davey is Psyched for this party. This morning he got to open one present from his grandpa. It was a kid's digital camera. He LOVES it. Thanks Pop Pop!
What else can I say about Davey? Yesterday, I took him and Jasper to the park and first he peed in the public bathroom (amazing). Then, he climbed up this big "Spider Web" climbing thing they have to the top of the slide all by himself. He did this like 5 times. Each time was it's own little challenge, a big struggle and each time he reached the top TRIUMPH!! CHEERS!! He was so proud of himself. He's been trying to climb this thing for a long time.
There was a little girl at the park who was obsessed with Jasper. She kept coming up to him and grabbing his hands and putting her toe on his cheek. She was like 2 years old or something. Well, Davey did not like this, "NO! My baby brother. He doesn't like that!" Then he gave Jasper a hug. Well, Jasper was fine with it really. I think he was kind of into this girl but Davey was being very possesive. I said, "Davey, it's ok. She's just playing with Jasper. He likes it." and then Davey walked over to the little girl and put his finger up to his lips and made a "shhhhush" sound. "Shhhh. Be quiet. He might be sleeping." I guess he was trying a different tactic to get her away from his beloved possession.
Another slice from the park was Davey at the top of the slide. There was an older girl there who was being really mean and when he tried to get by her she said, "Are you 8?' and he said, "Wanna go down" and she said, "You're not 8 are you? You are just a BABY, aren't you?" in a really horrible sing song way. And Davey said, "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Then he stopped himself and said, "I DON'T LIKE THAT!! I WANT TO GO DOWN NOW." And she got out of the way and he went down.
I think that gives you a pretty good idea of where he's at.
Happy Birthday my sweet self possessed boy. You are my pride and joy!
I want to learn to be more like Davey when the horrible sing-songy taunters of my world try to block me. Well done, kiddo!
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