when i look at this: click here, I know that all the work we did in 08, the planning the packing the transitioning the job searching, the dog transporting the unpacking the house hunting the paper signing, the baby dragging around, exhausting, emotional and physical work - it was worth it. hallelujah.
this is now a weather blog.
one thing i wanted to share finally is that we're trying to get pregnant again. we actually were pregnant, or i was. i was pregnant, yes but i had a miscarriage. this was nov. 10th. i haven't wanted to talk about it publicly because i feel uncomfortable about the outpouring of sympathy that inevitably comes when i tell people. i don't want too many sad feelings surrounding it because i feel so incredibly positive about the fact that i will be pregnant again soon and that this time the baby will live happily and healthy and be born full term. the day that it happened, oh it was very sad and very unexpected. really though i feel very connected to this little soul that is trying to punch through and i think it was trying very hard but something just wasn't right. so this time, we'll get it right! your positive thoughts are much welcome.
we spent new years eve down south with my cousin and her family who we love. it was a really fun night except that davey has had this bad cough for over a week and he wakes up with coughing fits and he wouldn't go to sleep, so we ended up driving home just after midnight. i made really good dirty martinis for my cousin and i. when my cousin's sister-in-law had a sip of hers she said, "wow, why does that taste so fucking good?" and my cousin said, "because we're alcoholics."
mmmm. it was really good.
I've been doing fine with eating no sweets and doing more exercise and stretching but i haven't lost a pound yet. I feel better though. Dieting and trying to get pregnant just seem to oppose one another so I think I'll just continue to focus on no sweets & exercise.
our good friends david and jen came over last night for dinner. we had spent the whole day cleaning the condo so it looked ship shape. they were so positive and complimentary about our place and i really appreciated it (even if they were fudging a bit). i went to sleep feeling like i live in a palace.
We watched Wall-E last night. omg. he's cute.
this is now a weather blog.
one thing i wanted to share finally is that we're trying to get pregnant again. we actually were pregnant, or i was. i was pregnant, yes but i had a miscarriage. this was nov. 10th. i haven't wanted to talk about it publicly because i feel uncomfortable about the outpouring of sympathy that inevitably comes when i tell people. i don't want too many sad feelings surrounding it because i feel so incredibly positive about the fact that i will be pregnant again soon and that this time the baby will live happily and healthy and be born full term. the day that it happened, oh it was very sad and very unexpected. really though i feel very connected to this little soul that is trying to punch through and i think it was trying very hard but something just wasn't right. so this time, we'll get it right! your positive thoughts are much welcome.
we spent new years eve down south with my cousin and her family who we love. it was a really fun night except that davey has had this bad cough for over a week and he wakes up with coughing fits and he wouldn't go to sleep, so we ended up driving home just after midnight. i made really good dirty martinis for my cousin and i. when my cousin's sister-in-law had a sip of hers she said, "wow, why does that taste so fucking good?" and my cousin said, "because we're alcoholics."
mmmm. it was really good.
I've been doing fine with eating no sweets and doing more exercise and stretching but i haven't lost a pound yet. I feel better though. Dieting and trying to get pregnant just seem to oppose one another so I think I'll just continue to focus on no sweets & exercise.
our good friends david and jen came over last night for dinner. we had spent the whole day cleaning the condo so it looked ship shape. they were so positive and complimentary about our place and i really appreciated it (even if they were fudging a bit). i went to sleep feeling like i live in a palace.
We watched Wall-E last night. omg. he's cute.
positive thoughts for sure. xo.
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